A visual management application for tactile devices
Post-it Share is an application developped in the context of 4th year projects in the Computer Science department at INSA Rennes. Its goals are to allow a more effective collaborative work, to show a sticky notes board on a virtual space and to allow several users to work simutaneously. Post-it Share is conceived to be as user-friendy as possible, in order to ease the transition from a physical post-it board to a digital one.

An accessible application usable by all
Post-it Share wants to be as intuitive as possible. Its clean and clear design enables a quick understanding of what is happening on your screen. The simple ergonomics let the user fluidly navigate through the application, with commonly featured gestures on all tactile devices. Sticky notes are movable with simple finger slides, can be edited by a simple touch and can be created by double-tapping the background.
Collaboration is a key point for Post-it Share. Users can collaborate remotly through the network, or simply as a groups on the same device !
Constantly evolving needs
The needs of the companies have been thoroughly evolving these past years. With agile methods comes new ways to work and new tools. In this context, we made Post-it Share. Developped in collaboration with a company from Rennes named Sens&Co, which is specialized in council and training, the application answers very specific needs based on potential users feedback.
Post-it Share is designed for every person, group of persons or company who wants to digitalize its use of sticky notes, or simply begin to use visual management on digital devices. Through the network, it is possible for remote collaborators to work at the same time on a common project or board of sticky notes. It is also possible for users to work on the same device as long as it has the ability to detect multiple tactile entries!
All the features you need in one
Post-it Share introduce a new panel of possibilities that classic paper sticky notes can not match. You need a link, a spreadsheet, a picture or even a reference to another sticky note ? Everything is possible! This is the end of unreadable boards filled with red strings or tape to link sticky notes, with Post-it Share you can group sticky notes and show links in the background, with the color or the form of your choice. Sticky notes can also share common caracteristics way more complex than their colors... You have the last word!
What if you are lost in your loaded board and you can't find that particular sticky note? You can either make it bigger than all the other, put a importance tag on it or even reference it somewhere else!
For all types of Windows 10 devices
The application runs on all tactile or non tactile devices running Windows 10. The size of the board adapts to your screen size! If your device supports it, several users can work at the same time, moving and editing sticky notes on a same board.
Even if the goal of the application is to run on tactile devices, it is also possible to operate it with a mouse and a keyboard. You don't have to invest money in a new device to use the software.

Forget about paper and pencil
Post-it Share was designed to make your work on visual management easier. We decided to split our software in three parts.

Future updates!
Post-it Share being a step on the way to a full sotfware for complete visual management on digital supports, there is room for improvements in the future!
One of the first features that ought to be implemented in the next versions should be the possibility for the user to scan a physical board to make it digital. The user would only have to take a clear picture of his physical board on which sticky notes are laying on, then the software would scan the contents of each and every of these notes to create new digital ones with the content appearing as a picture. The board organization would try to match reality as much as possible. This board is thus editable as a digital one in the application.