A web app
GetAway is a web service hosted at INSA IT department's servers, accessible from anywhere via a web browser.
Get to GetAwayGetAway makes mobility set-up easy for students, who choose their favourite destinations and have access to other students wishes. The full list of universities that have a partnership with INSA Rennes is available, given the student's department. After being affected, students will be able to follow every steps required for the set-up of their mobility. For example, they have access to the management of their learning agreement or the deposit of required files.
GetAway makes the different actors of international mobility's life much easier. The wishes automatic management allows department responsibles to save a lot of time during the assignment phase. Other functionalities like electronic signature and automatic deposit of files also save considerable time. A continuous integration solution have been established to smoothen further versions deployment.
The GetAway project started in 2015 and is improved every year by 4th year IT students from INSA Rennes. The 2019 main goal was to stabilize the app by updating every technology used and to implement new functionalities such as the electronic signature or an easy documents share between the different IR services. A full recast of the user interface has also been made to improve the ergonomics of the whole app.
GetAway is a web service hosted at INSA IT department's servers, accessible from anywhere via a web browser.
Get to GetAwayGetAway is a PHP app using Symfony framework. We also use a MariaDB database.
GetAway gathers every aspect of your mobility management so you only have to enjoy your trip !
Our team is made of height students : Antoine BARROUX, Maxime BROSSARD, Jean-David HAMID, Maxime LE FEUVRE, Antoine LADONNE, Antoine MALLE, Benoit PUERTOLAS and Jing ZHU.