
Breizh Jeux is an automatic game operator. The company has approximatively 300 clients all around Ille-et-Vilaine, it organise tournaments in different domains (billards, darts). Currently, Breizh Jeux's agents choose themselves their daily rounds. Breizh-Jeux would like a software to optimize those deplacements between their differents clients.

Time saver for agents

Our software will give the oportunity to the agents to stop worrying about setting up their own rounds. They'll just have to run the algorithm and choose one of the given rounds.

livraison rapide


The "handmade" rounds aren't actually optimized, so it may cause agents to make detours. The objective of our solution is to optimize them in time and distance, by this we will lower the oil consumption and the ecologic impact of each round.

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Interesting challenge

Behind this problem which could look easy at the first sight, there is a real challenge. To modelize the problem then resolve it, we had a long hard work of research on the existing solutions for similar problems, then we had to adapt it to our own problem. We learnt a lot of thing on round optimization and it was really interesting.

livraison rapide

The team was composed by: